Questions and Answers

with Business Owners and Companies

Question: How Is The Customer Service At Bachrach?

Answer: Our sales people go through an extensive training program, and we have continuing training and education for our staff. We like to think we go the extra mile for our customers, so when someone comes in its not "Hello, have a look around and tell us what you like." Instead we work with the customer, we will put the outfits together to suit the customers tastes and needs.

We do in-store alterations so that if the customer needs alterations we can do it for them. We will even deliver the suit, or the product, to the customer's home if he can't get back for some reason. We have a tremendously high retention rate with our customers, they are very loyal. Most of our customers return every six weeks to see what's new. There is nobody else in the mall that will treat you like Bachrach. Period.

Answered by: Bachrach

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