Questions and Answers

with Business Owners and Companies

Question: When Searching Online, How Do I Know If A Treatment Center Is Trustworthy?

Answer: One needs to do some research and this may be done in various ways: Read the websites of treatment centers that appeal to you online and select the names of a few that sound good to you because of their style of treatment, their program and other variables. Ask your therapist, psychiatrist, dietitian or doctor if they are familiar with any of the treatment centers that appeal to you and, if so, what they know or what they have heard about the facility. Call each place and talk to someone about the facility. Ask them all the questions you have. Find out what their success rate is. Get a "feel" for the place and their staff by listening to the representative and the way they address your questions. Are they caring? Are they knowledgeable? Does it seem as though they are in a hurry to answer your questions and get you off the phone? Your 'gut' feelings can tell you a lot. Ask if you can tour their facility and get a feeling, in person, for the place and the quality of care offered. Ask if you may speak to someone who has attended the facility in the past. It is usually possible to speak to a past client or to the parent of a past client.Monte Nido is situated in a house on a beautiful property. The atmosphere is relaxed, friendly and cozy and not at all institutional. Each client is given individualized attention and her progress is continually assessed and adjusted, according to her specific needs.

Answered by: Monte Nido

Categories:  Treatment Centers  Eating Disorder Treatment  Rehab Centers  Addictions  

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 Monte Nido - Eating Disorder Treatment Centers