

InfoFAQ Expert Merchant - PetStairzPetStairz Profile

Company Name:
Original DBA Name: PetStairz
Established by :
Debbie Runge
Business Owner: Debbie Runge
In Business Since: 1982
Years in Profession:
25 Years
Mailing Address:  14077 Paradise Point Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Business Phone: 866.778.2479
Email: [email protected]
Completed InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview:
InfoFAQ Exclusive Interview: "Pet Stairs"
Company Information: PetStairz Information
Website: PetStairz Website
Online Store URL: PetStairz Store
Online Store Provider:
ProStores by Serrahost

Merchant Category: Pet Products, Pet Stairs, Pet Safety

Description: Manufacturer of quality foam pet safety products -PetStairz

Quote from the Owner: The original foam pet stairs! -PetStairz

Main Products: Pet Stairs, Ramps, Covers, Beds, Furniture

Most Popular Products:

Petstairz - Low impact, high density polyurethane foam fabricated and bonded for maximum support. We are the original pet stairs, the industry leader. They are also fire retardant.

Pet beds - Thick orthopedic and memory foam pet beds provides cushion support for all pets including arthritic and aging pets. Pet friendly faux lambs wool topper for comfort and support.

Pet furniture - The all inclusive pet resort. It�s a purphy bed, a dresser, a closet and dining area all in one!

Pet ramps - Foam, aluminum, plastic, and fiberglass ramps for vehicles, boats, and swimming pools. An absolute must for your pet�s health and safety.

Verified Memberships & Affiliations
InfoFAQ Expert Merchant

Store Security through Entrust�
APPMA � American Pet Product Manufacturers Association
Has been seen on TV � CBS, NBC, ABC.

InfoFAQ Expert Merchant - PetStairz
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The business and its owner and all information below has been reviewed and verified by our InfoFAQ staff. All information is supplied by the business owner and then cross referenced and checked by InfoFAQ. Questions and Answer Interviews were performed by staff at InfoFAQ.


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