Questions and Answers

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Question: What Makes Monte Nido Different Than Other Treatment Centers?

Answer: Monte Nido does not utilize the 12-step program, principally because we know that people can and do recover from eating disorders and exercise addiction. We focus instead on the individual's own perception of their higher power or "soul." Our centers have a high staff-to-patient ratio and many of these professionals have recovered themselves from eating disorders, which leads to a natural empathy and understanding, thus helping clients to feel more comfortable and less like they are being judged. Monte Nido is situated in a house on a beautiful property. The atmosphere is relaxed, friendly and cozy and not at all institutional. Each client is given individualized attention and her progress is continually assessed and adjusted, according to her specific needs.

Answered by: Monte Nido

Categories:  Treatment Centers  Eating Disorder Treatment  Rehab Centers  Addictions  

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 Monte Nido - Eating Disorder Treatment Centers